The Book Blogger Insider Tag

There is no friend as loyal as a book

I found this tag over on Danielle’s blog, and she tagged everyone, so technically I’m tagged! I can’t resist a good book tag, and I thought this would be a great way for you to get to know me and my blogging habits a little better. And maybe I just needed a quick post… 

The Rules: 

  1. Answer the questions below. 

  2. Credit the creator: Jamie @ A Little Slice Of Jamie 

  3. Tag at least five people. 

  4. Have fun! 

The Questions: 

  1. Where do you typically write your blog posts? 

I prefer to write my blog posts on my MacBook because I found blogging software that is super accessible to my screen-reader, plus I just love my Macbook, and I usually sit at my desk so I can connect a braille display and see all the crazy things that autocorrect comes up with. I have been known to type posts in the WordPress app on my phone and iPad if I’m on the go or just don’t want to put out the effort to get up and get my laptop. This post is being written on my bed because my wrists hurt from typing at my desk all day. And I don’t have a braille display connected, so please excuse my goofs! You probably don’t know what I’m talking about, but a braille display connected to my laptop is the equivalent of the screen for you, and without it I’m going on a computerized robot voice to pick out mistakes. I guess I could just go get the display, but who wants to move that much after Algebra and Chemistry homework? Not I! 😉 

  1. How long does it generally take you to write a book review? 

Depends on the book and how in-depth I want to get with my ranting/fangirling. I can usually finish a review in less than two hours, and I think the longest I’ve spent on one was four hours. The hardest part for me is formatting all the links and headings and posts because I always have something to say about a book! 

  1. When did you start your book blog? 

Hmmm… This is complicated… I started my first blog in April while I was doing CampNaNoWriMo, and it was more for writing related stuff than books. That blog was under an obscure URL so nobody ever found it, and I used my real name, which creeped me out a little when I started reviewing books and people started noticing. SO… I moved over to this blog in July of this year… I think. 

  1. What is the worst thing about having a book blog in your opinion? 

Writing bad reviews is rough! I recently gave my first two star review, and that was hard to write! But I know that I appreciate honest book bloggers who have a mixture of good and not so great reviews on their sites, and I want to be one of those honest book bloggers. 

  1. What is the best thing about having a book blog in your opinion? 

I love the community! I very rarely see negativity among book bloggers. that is, I don’t ever see people putting other people down just for the heck of it. I see some bad reviews, but those are all for the good of honest readership! 

6. What blog post have you had the most fun writing so far? 

Hmm… All of my blog posts are fun for me to write. I don’t write anything that isn’t fun to write, because if it isn’t fun to write, then it won’t be fun to read! That being said, I think my favorite posts are probably my review of Anna Dressed In Blood, or this Snippet Sunday. 

7. When do you typically write? 

For some reason the writerly part of my brain likes to not work until around 9 PM, so I end up writing into the night… 

8. Do you review every book you read? 

I have reviewed every book I’ve read since starting this blog. If I ever don’t finish a book, I most likely will not review it. I don’t like reading DNF reviews because if you don’t finish it, you can’t exactly judge it in it’s entirety. I may make a short note that I didn’t finish something on a wrap-up post, but I will not post a full review. 

9. How do you write your book reviews? With a cup of coffee or tea? With Netflix? Cuddled with your fur baby? 

Whenever I write anything, I will have a cup of coffee or tea, and also a glass of water because I try to balance caffeine intake with water. I sometimes have Netflix, (Supernatural), on for background noise, but usually it’s Pandora, Spotify, music from my iPod, or a youtube video. And my fur baby is currently confined to a cage because he decided to climb over something and cut his stomach open… He’s a big cuddly kitty by the name of JackO, (short for JackOLantern because he has big orange eyes that sometimes turn green.) No, I’m serious. My cat’s eyes change color. Tell me I’m not the only one with a freaky eye changing cat! Anyway… When he’s allowed to roam around, he usually sits in my lap and bats at the mouse pointer whilst I’m attempting to write. 

10. When do you write your book reviews? Right after finishing a book? Two weeks after finishing a book? 

I usually try to write my reviews the day after I finish the book so it’s still fresh on my mind, but I’m not still angry/sad/majorly obsessed with whatever I just read. 

11. How often do you post? 

Hahahahaha… I’m just gonna skip over this question… Jk! But seriously… I had a great posting schedule, and then school happened, and now things don’t happen on time! I’d like to post two or three times a week, but it’s usually more like once over the weekend. I’ve got some stuff scheduled though, so that should change! 

I tag: 

*Don’t feel obligated to do the tag if you’ve already done it or just don’t want to do it! 🙂 

What Do You Think? 

Do we share any blogging habits? Do any of my habits seem crazy to you? What’s your favorite post out of everything you’ve written? Let’s chat in the comments! 

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