The Q&A Tag

Thanks so much to Luke Hartman for nominating me for The Q&A tag! His blog is awesome, so you should go check it out! Now… It’s time for me to answer some questions!

The Rules:

  • Link the blogger who nominated you. Answer the questions you’re given. Nominate 10 bloggers. Write out your 10 questions for them. Let them know they’ve been tagged.

My Questions:

  1. What’s your favorite beverage of all time? Uhhhh… Unsweet tea??? Or maybe coffee with chocolate creamer and milk? But I drink mostly water on a regular basis…
  2. Name three fictional characters you would want as roommates. Blue from The Raven cycle, Cath from Fangirl, and luna from Harry Potter.
  3. What is your favorite Shakespeare play? Yell at me in the comments now… I cannot stand Shakespeare. I know he shaped literature and all, but I just don’t get it!
  4. If you were to play a game of chess with a fictional character, who would it be? Umm… Ron from Harry Potter? He’d totally beat me though!
  5. What’s your favorite animated TV show? I just realized it’s been FOREVER since I’ve watched TV! Like I don’t even remember the last time I actually successfully kept up with a TV show because school and blogging and other stuff have kept me running around like a crazy person! So… I guess I don’t have an answer! πŸ˜‚
  6. What’s your go-to breakfast food? Yogurt! Yep… I’m a health nut! I start my morning with yoga, meditation, and then I eat something healthy like yogurt or fruit or a protein bar.
  7. Hogwarts, Middle Earth, or Narnia? Hogwarts! No question about it!
  8. If you could visit anywhere in the world for a day, where would it be? Hawaii!!!
  9. What’s your favorite emoji? Well… The dagger is the first in my frequently used section, followed by the eye roll face, and then the laughing face with tears. It would normally be the laughing face first but it’s been a not so great school week… πŸ—‘πŸ™„πŸ˜‚
  10. Pick a song that best describes the theme of your favorite book. Favorite book?! Who has a favorite book?! Ok… I’m almost finished with The Raven King right now, and it is quickly making the top of my “favorite books ever” list. And the first song that comes to mind for it is Ravens Still Fly by Southern Raised, and that really kinda goes against the themes a little, but it also fits perfectly, and it’s one of my favorite songs, so…

I Tag:

Elm L Em Danielle Ariana Michelle Debbie Lia Jasmine Trisha

Your Questions:

  1. Name three fictional characters who would either be your best friends or your worst enemies.
  2. Name three songs that describe your personality.
  3. Coffee or tea?
  4. Favorite emoji?
  5. What’s one thing you think would be amazing yet are terrified to do?
  6. What’s the most awkward/embarrassing thing anyone has ever asked/said to you?
  7. What’s your idea of the perfect weekend?
  8. You are given the opportunity to eat lunch with three of your favorite authors/singers/famous people of choice. Who do you invite?
  9. What is the one book/memory/other object you turn to for comfort?
  10. What is one thing you would like the world to know?

*If you’ve already done this tag or just don’t wanna do it, feel free to ignore me completely! And if I didn’t tag you and you wanna do the tag, consider yourself tagged! I can’t wait to see all your answers! From Cheyenne πŸ™‚

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