Why I Write: Writing Is My Therapy!

Sometimes only paper will listen to you
Hey awesome writing people! I’ve seen the #WhyIWrite floating around the NaNoWriMo circles all day on Twitter, so I thought I’d give it a go! Warning! You should probably expect lots of rambling!

writing to me is magic, power, freedom, and peace. It gives me the power to create new worlds, new people, new wars, new victories… I can cause heartbreak, sorrow, fear, love, heath, happiness, tears, or smiles with only a few sentences. I can weave stories together with only twenty-six letters and a keyboard. I can teach, guide, and sympathize with many people across the globe through the power of the written word.
With every word I write, I discover something new about myself. In some ways, every bit of my writing holds a piece of myself in it, though I may not realize that it reflects me until I reach the very end. At the end of a rough school week in which nobody adapts things into braille the way it should be done, or technology fails me, or people are just generally being stupid, I get to pick up my notebook and write all of that away. Characters may die, wars may be started between royal families, or best friends may fight, but it’s soothing because it holds my thoughts between the lines.
Writing is strength, and weakness, and fear, and courage, and peace, and power, and truth, and lies. I don’t write for fame, or fortune, or even recognition. I write because I want to tell a good story, to lose myself in the act of creation, to find something about myself that I didn’t know before. I write because words are powerful, and i love that I can preserve that power in some small form. I write because I love the feeling I get when I weave a lie of magic and mystery that holds even the tiniest bit of truth that will help someone know they are not alone in a situation. Maybe a book about “mentally ill” shamans sounds like the complete opposite of real life, but maybe someone who has the same condition will see themself in my characters and know that they, too, can be strong.
It is my goal, and my dream, to be published one day, and my hopes to have a best seller or two. If I don’t become J. K. Rolling famous, I will be fine with that. If I can get just one book into the hands of someone who will love it, I will have fulfilled my mission as a writer. All of that, is why I write.

Why do you write?
Hopefully that wasn’t too terribly rambling and made some kind of sense… I can’t imagine ever reaching a time where i’m not writing, but the reason why I love it is so abstract that it was quite difficult to put into words. I’d love to know why you write in the comments, and drop me a link if you do your own post like this! also, don’t forget to share your thoughts on Twitter with #WhyIWrite! My Twitter handle is @Cheyenne_writes if you wanna tag me… ๐Ÿ˜‰
Happy reading, writing, and rambling to all you fellow writers! I will maybe have a review of The Raven King up tomorrow??? Maybe??? Assuming I don’t drown in numbers from doing Algebra and Chemistry all day! But now I’m gonna go sleep so I might actually finish that stuff and have time to post…
From Cheyenne ๐Ÿ™‚

4 thoughts on “Why I Write: Writing Is My Therapy!

  1. I am not as active with my writing (aside from the blog) anymore. It has also, always been a private act for me that I never choose to share. But you mention many amazing points on why it is such a fantastic experience. The power of creation and temporary escape that it provides are not to be taken for granted. Being submersed within my own thoughts and just letting the pen flow can be a true outlet ๐Ÿ™‚ Great post!

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